Starting from 1st of October privacy and proxy services are no longer permitted for .nl domains. This new policy forbids the registration of .nl domain names under a third party. Consequently, registrars or resellers of .nl domain names will be contacted to provide information about existing domains. In line with these changes, FlokiNET ... En savoir plus »
We are happy to announce the launch of our brand new website, designed to provide you with an easier and improved online experience. At FlokiNET we strive to continually improve our services and our new website is a testament to this commitment. Here's what you can expect from our upgraded website: Modern and Intuitive Design: Our new ... En savoir plus »
As FlokiNET is committed to security of his customers and always researchs on options to enhance this we opend a project to get Two-Factor Authentication for all of our customers regardless of there product choosen if possible. The last months we activated for choosen customers Two-Factor Authentication for cPanel to see how Two-Factor ... En savoir plus »
Dear valued customers,we did some changes to reflect some of our fees.Each Paypal transaction will be charged with 3.9% + 0.35 CentsEach bank transfer will be charged with 5 euro regardless the size. (We are working on it to remove this transaction fee fully)Teamspeak 3Teamspeak 3 server can be ordered now with a minimum of 5 slots (before 10) En savoir plus »