How to pay with Paysafecard?

Pay safely online without a bank account or credit card?

Buy paysafecard and pay cash online.

Pay by entering a 16-digit PIN. Or sign up for my paysafecard, top up your account with your PINs and simply pay with a username and password.


It's so simple:

paysafecard is on sale near you. Find your nearest sales outlet here:

Get paysafecard in the following amounts: €10, €25, €50, €75 and €100. You receive paysafecard in the form of a printout with a 16-digit PIN which you enter in the paysafecard payment window. That's it; you've paid – without entering any personal details or a bank account number.

Aside from paying with a PIN, paysafecard also offers you your own account for your PINs. This provides you with an overview of your PINs and spending.  Sign up for free for my paysafecard and pay by entering a username and password.

Find out more at

Notice: FlokiNET ehf takes 15% fee on Paysafecard transactions

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