Nameserver and DNS-records

There are two ways of managing your domain nameservers/DNS-records at FlokiNET:

1) Using our DNS system, with the FlokiNET nameserver:

Our nameservers are:,,,
  1. Shared Hosting clients
    1. If you have purchased your shared hosting account together with a domain, they will be configured by default with our nameservers - No additional configuration is needed, works out of the box.
    2. If you have purchased a additional domain with us, they will be configured with our nameservers and you will need to add this domain into your shared hosting account - This can be done by entering CPanel >> Under "Domains" tab, click "Domains" >> On the right side, click "Create a new domain" >> input the domain you have just purchased and configure which folder will it be pointing to.
    3. If you did not purchase your domain with us - Set our nameservers on your domain registrar and use the domain on your shared hosting account, keep in mind that if you use our nameservers, this domain must exist into your account, if it is not the main domain, it must be added manually by entering CPanel >> Under "Domains" tab, click "Domains" >> On the right side, click "Create a new domain" >> input the domain you have just purchased and configure which folder will it be pointing to.
  2. VPS/Dedicated Server clients
    1. If you own a shared hosting account in addition to your Virtual/Dedicated server, you can manage DNS records using the shared hosting account to configure these domains to your Virtual/Dedicated server.  This can be done by entering CPanel >> Under "Domains" tab, click "Domains" >> On the right side, you will click "Create a new domain" >> there you will input this domain you have just purchased. After the domain has been 'created' under your shared hosting account, go to CPanel >> Under "Domains" tab, click "ZONE EDITOR">> on the same line of the domain you wish to change, click "Manage".
    2. If you do not own a shared hosting account or, own a shared hosting account but wish to manage your DNS records separately - You will need a "DNSOnly Management Account", these accounts are created by our staff only, if you need one, please let us know via ticket. After you receive this DNS management account, go to CPanel >> Under "Domains" tab, click "ZONE EDITOR">> on the same line of the domain you wish to change, click "Manage".

2) Using an external DNS system with different nameserver:

If you have registered or transferred a domain, you might want to use a external nameserver, this is easy to achieve in the client area.

To make this change:

1) Login in the client area >> Access on the menu 'Domains' >> 'My Domains' >> On your domain line click on manage.



2) On the page to manage your domain, you must first disable the registrar lock before changing nameservers



3) Click on "Nameservers" to update your nameservers.

Notice that the input in the nameserver fields must not contain any white-spaces

Please notice that this does not apply to all domains, you might need to make this request via ticket depending on the TLD of your domain, .fi and .is for example can only be changed by our staff via ticket.


Handling the Registry Error: Domain's Nameservers Not Updated

If you encounter the error:

Registry error, domain's nameservers not updated [Object status prohibits operation]

This error appears when your domain status is locked. By default, domains are locked to prevent accidental changes to nameservers or unauthorized transfers using the EPP code.

Steps to Resolve:

  1. Unlock the Domain: Unlock your domain to make the necessary nameserver changes.
  2. Make Changes: Perform the required updates to your nameservers.
  3. Relock the Domain: After making the changes, we strongly recommend locking your domain again to maintain security.

PTR records are only set by our staff, if you need it set or updated, please open a ticket.

  • Nameserver, changes, name, DNS
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