Lets Encrypt / AutoSSL & HTTPs


The auto-renewal of SSL certificates is a very important part of website security so we place at your disposal the AutoSSL feature, powered by Let’s Encrypt, making the renewal of certificates completely automatic and painless.

In this article, you will see how to verify the status of your SSL certificates, and how can you interact with it plus a few troubleshooting steps

AutoSSL in CPanel works with Let’s Encrypt to enable automated SSL certificate renewal for your websites.


How does it work?

Whenever the domain or subdomain is resolving to the IP of the server where your shared hosting is and it does not have a valid Cert, self-issued or about to expire, it will issue a valid one using the Let's Encrypt protocol - replacing it automatically.

Your SSL certificates are verified about each couple of hours, so many times a day.

To verify the status of your SSL certificates within the shared hosting account, access CPanel and look for the "SSL/TLS Status" page:


Besides the current status, you will also able to see the reason for any failed attempts to issue SSL certificates per domain/sub-domain.

Within this same page, you have the button "Run AutoSSL", which gives you the option to run this process of verification at any time.




My SSL certificate is valid, why am I still seing HTTP ?

If your SSL certificates are valid and you are still seeing that requests are still not being redirected to HTTPS, you may want to attempt to clear your local cache, attempt another browser or verify that the server is redirecting all HTTP requests to HTTPS.

Within CPanel you have the "Domains" page, which gives you the option to enable the redirection, notice that this option is only allowed when there is a valid SSL certificate installed.


Some cases, the website platform you are building will require that you make this redirection manually by editing your htaccess file:


RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example\.com [NC]
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.example.com/$1 [R,L]




  • SSL certificates still not showing as valid even after clicking " Run AutoSSL:
    • In this case you may want to ensure that your domain either has our nameservers: ns1.flokinet.net; ns2.flokinet.net; ns3.flokinet.net; ns4.flokinet.net. Or, that your "A" type DNS records are pointing to the same IP as of the server, you can find this information in the welcome e-mail.
    • Your public_html folder is not password protected.
    • Verify that your domain is active.


  • Main domain or subdomains are not being detected with SSL certificate installed.
    • In this case, the re-installation of the SSL certificate may help, this can be done by accessing the "SSL/TLS" page on your CPanel and at the right menu: Install and Manage SSL for your site (HTTPS)  Manage SSL sites.  In the new page, click on the blue button "browse certificates" and select the newest valid certificate, after the fields are filled, click on install certificate.


Our team is here to help! so if you have any issues with your SSL certificate or HTTPs requests, feel free to reach out to us via the ticketing area!



  • SSL, TLS, Lets Encrypt
  • 4 用戶發現這個有用


Which nameserver i have to use?

Please use the following nameserver:ns1.flokinet.netns2.flokinet.netns3.flokinet.netns4.flokinet.net

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