What are SSL/TLS certificates and how do I get one?

Transport Layer Security (TLS) Certificates are used to authenticate a server and enable an encrypted connection between any visitor and the server.

When you have a certificate, you can provide your customers with the ability to visit your site in a secure manner by encrypting all information and preventing data leakage.

This also applies to your own internal services: Email and FTP are also protected by the encryption and authentication provided by SSL Certificates.

On shared hosting, we offer Let's Encrypt certificates for all configured domains, at no extra cost.

For free SSL certificates to be issued, note that you must have DNS records set pointing to our server's IP, or your domain must be configured with our name servers. With automatic domain validation successful, the free SSL certificate will be issued - note that you may need to wait up to 24 hours for the Let's Encrypt certificate to be issued.

On the CPanel interface, access "SSL/TLS Status". There you will have more information about the current status and also have the option to "Run AutoSSL", which will check and attempt to replace and invalid certificates

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