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Finland VPS I

    1 CPU Core
    1 GB RAM
    20 GB NVMe Storage
    3TB bandwidth
    1IPv4 & /64 IPv6
    NVMe Based System
    Virtual IPMI - Remote Control Console
    Frequent backups included

Configura Server
Opzioni Configurabili

Informazioni aggiuntive
(required fields are marked with *)
Set a sudoer username for your VPS. Use lowercase only, excluding system-reserved names (exg.: 'bin', 'root', 'daemon')

It is very important to keep this username safe. This user will be able to reach the server via SSH, direct root access is disabled as standard for security reasons.
Must contain: numbers, both upper/lower case letters, and a symbol (*.!@$%^(){}:;<>,.?~_+=) with length between 20 and 32 chars.

It is very important to save this password safely.

The usage of a password manager is recommended.
SSH keys offer a superior method for authentication, enhancing protection against unauthorized access.

Utilizing these is highly recommended to ensure superior level of security for your connections. For your convenience, we support the following key types: RSA, ED25519, DSS, and ECDSA-SHA2-NISTP256.

Notice that key authentication is enforced and will require a extra step to allow password authentication, please check our article here for more information: SSHd Pass Auth Article
Choose Your Linux Distro and Version for the VPS—it'll be installed automatically!

Beyond the ones listed, we offer 15+ ISOs for manual setup, if you can't find your preferred Linux. (Ex: RockyLinux, Fedora, ArchLinux, OpenBSD, OpenSUSE, and more.)
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