Late or no payments

What happens if i pay late or not at all?

After 3 days of non payment your service will be suspended.
After 30 days of non payment we will delete your service.
Domains expire automatically given on the time be the registry.

Notice: dedicated server has to be payed at latest one day before due date. If not we will shutdown the server on due date.

Colocation: If you are 10 days overdue we will suspend your uplink. After 30 days we will remove your server from our rack and if we do not get a payment in time we may sell your server to cover the invoices.
If there are no overdue invoices or the worth of your server is higher than your outstanding invoices we will sell your server after some storage time and make a fund to the IMMI project out of it.

But bank fails, slow transfer, non recived invoices etc. can happen!

The customer has to make sure that the payment received us on time. For example a bank transfer with SEPA takes maximum 2 working days. If you do not trust you bank do a early prepayment (we also offer discounts for this)
Our services are prepayed if not requested otherwise. So no payment, no service which remain us the right to shutdown your service also any time if no payment arrived within due date.

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